Isentropic Flow Calculator
This model converts between static and total states for a calorically-perfect gas. It incorporates the usual isentropic relations; however, it makes no representations about the spatial scale of the flow or whether it is internal or external (so does not represent the spatial aspects of quasi-1D duct flows, for example the area ratio). Also this model solves some special situations where there is incomplete information about both states.
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Mach number and static state
- Choose a Mach number of 0.5 M = 0.5 ⏎. The model infers temperature ratio and other ratios. These ratios express the difference between the total and static state of the fluid.
- To find the total state of the fluid, assert the static temperature and pressure, such as T = 300 ⏎ K and P = 1 ⏎ bar. The model then uses the ratios calculated in step 1 to infer the total state.
Key results are the total state Total ⏎ and the static state Static ⏎.
Total state and a static state variable
- Choose a total temperature of 2020 K Total.T = 2020 ⏎ and total density of 5 kg/m³ Total.r = 5 ⏎.
- Now choose the desired property for the static state, such as a temperature of 500 K T = 500 ⏎.
Advanced: Mixed states and a branch
- Choose a static temperature of 200 K T = 200 ⏎ and mass flow rate per unit area of 100 kg/m²/s G = 100 ⏎.
- Now choose the desired total pressure, such as 10 bar Total.P = 10 ⏎.
- Finally, choose which branch of the solution to solve for dP = false ⏎.